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The Long Walk.
This is a painting I did last year tittled: “The long walk” .
Her nose is sculptured in 3D and her hair is a mixed of acrylic paint and real hair collage.
The flower is also in 3D.

The Long Walk
A Heart In Love
This is a wall I started to paint in Sao Paulo, Brazil and unfortunately it was never allowed to be finished ;(
On the day I painted it, there was no sign of anyone sleeping next to it, and the next day, I found that! It brought me mixed feelings, I felt really sad to see it! Every time I see things like that, the reality of the streets hit me. I think that every human being should be allowed to have, at least, the basic needs.
Yeah, and unfortunately this is also part of the environment that a street artist experience. And thanks to that, I had the idea of starting the project ” Spreading the Love and Positive Energy to the World” and, even though this time I wasn’t allowed to finish it, it still brought some love and positive energy to somebody that needed it.
Esta eh um trabalho que eu fiz em sao Paulo, Brasil, mas, infelizmente ,nao foi permitida a finalizacao do trabalho.
No dia em que eu pintei este muro, nao tinha nenhum sinal de ninguem dormindo perto desta parede, e, no dia seguinte eu me deparei com esta imagem! E isso tudo me trouxe uma mistura de sentimentos, eu fiquei muito triste! Toda vez em que eu vejo algo assim, e’ como se eu recebesse uma porrada da realidade nas ruas. Eu acho que todo ser humano merece ter, no minimo, as necessidades basicas.
Yeah, e , infelizmente, isto tambem faz parte das ruas e, por causa disso eu tive a ideia de comecar o projeto”Espalhando amor e energia positiva ao mundo” e, mesmo que esta pintura nao pode ser terminada, ainda assim ela levou um pouco de amor e energia positiva a alguem que estava precisando.
By Waleska and Binho
This is a very quick wall we painted in Brazil this year. It was my first wall after a long time without painting on the streets, because I was dedicating all my time to my canvasses.
It was a very nice way of meeting an old friend. 😉