Category Archives: My art

A Heart In Love

This is a wall I started to paint in Sao Paulo, Brazil and unfortunately it was never allowed to be finished ;(

On the day I painted it, there was no sign of anyone sleeping next to it, and the next day, I found that! It brought me mixed feelings, I felt really sad to see it! Every time I see things like that, the reality of the streets hit me. I think that every human being should be allowed to have, at least, the basic needs.
Yeah, and unfortunately this is also part of the environment that a street artist experience. And thanks to that, I had the idea of starting the project ” Spreading the Love and Positive Energy to the World” and, even though this time I wasn’t allowed to finish it, it still brought some love and positive energy to somebody that needed it.

Esta eh um trabalho que eu fiz em sao Paulo, Brasil, mas, infelizmente ,nao foi permitida a finalizacao do trabalho.

No dia em que eu pintei este muro, nao tinha nenhum sinal de ninguem dormindo perto desta parede, e, no dia seguinte eu me deparei com esta imagem! E isso tudo me trouxe uma mistura de sentimentos, eu fiquei muito triste! Toda vez em que eu vejo algo assim, e’ como se eu recebesse uma porrada da realidade nas ruas. Eu acho que todo ser humano merece ter, no minimo, as necessidades basicas.
Yeah, e , infelizmente, isto tambem faz parte das ruas e, por causa disso eu tive a ideia de comecar o projeto”Espalhando amor e energia positiva ao mundo” e, mesmo que esta pintura nao pode ser terminada, ainda assim ela levou um pouco de amor e energia positiva a alguem que estava precisando.

Photo by Waleska Nomura.

Photo by Waleska Nomura.

Photo by Waleska Nomura.

Photo by Waleska Nomura.

Photo by Waleska Nomura.

Photo by Waleska Nomura.

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Feliz Dia Das Maes!!!

Happy Mother’s Day!!! (today is mother’s day in Brazil) 😉 Yes, I know, I’m very lucky! I get to have 2 mother’s days in a year 😉
This is a painting I did last year, tittled:” Mother’s Love”

Painting by Waleska Nomura.

Painting by Waleska Nomura.

This is a poem I like very much:
What is a Mother?
A mother is someone to shelter and guide us,
To love us, whatever we do,
With a warm understanding and infinite patience,
And wonderful gentleness, too.
How often a mother means swift reassurance
In soothing our small, childish fears,
How tenderly mothers watch over their children
And treasure them all through the years!
The heart of a mother is full of forgiveness
For any mistake, big or small,
And generous always in helping her family
Whose needs she has placed above all.
A mother can utter a word of compassion
And make all our cares fall away,
She can brighten a home with the sound of her laughter
And make life delightful and gay.
A mother possesses incredible wisdom
And wonderful insight and skill –
In each human heart is that one special corner
Which only a mother can fill!
– Katherine Nelson Davis

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By Waleska and Binho

This is a very quick wall we painted in Brazil this year. It was my first wall after a long time without painting on the streets, because I was dedicating all my time to my canvasses.
It was a very nice way of meeting an old friend. 😉

Photo by Waleska Nomura.

Photo by Waleska Nomura.

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Hand-made flowers

I have been really busy for the past months, making these flowers for my new body of work. And I’m loving it, it’s so much fun to create different flowers and choose the colours I like. And now that Spring has arrived, it’s been very inspiring for me. *~,~*
These are some close-up photos of my new work:

Photo by Waleska Nomura.

Photo by Waleska Nomura.

Photo by Waleska Nomura.

Photo by Waleska Nomura.

Photo by Waleska Nomura.

Photo by Waleska Nomura.

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Birthday Girl!

Today is my Birthday!!! *~,~*
When I was a little girl I used to love my birthdays, but since I completed 25 years old, things changed and I used to get a bit down because I was getting older… I think it’s a girl’s thing with the age…
And when I completed 30 years old! That was really scary, I just had one thing in my mind: I need to have a baby! Because I always knew I wanted to become a mother and I knew so many people that had difficulties in getting pregnant after their 30s that I really had to have a baby in that year! And luckily I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy, and now that I have him, I don’t care anymore If I’m getting old or not, my son is so important to me that my age issue disappeared. 😉
Today my husband asked me what I wanted to do and I said : ” I want to spend the day painting! ” *~,~*

Happy Birthday To You by Waleska Nomura

Happy Birthday To You

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Thanks to graffiti, today I am an artist. I had my first graffiti lessons with one of my best friends, Binho. He is one of the pioneers of graffiti in Brazil, along Tinho, Os Gemeos, Vitche, Herbert, Speto in which I have a great admiration. Thanks to them, today there are many good artists in Brazil.
After few years, there were many young people interested in the art of graffiti, so, Binho started a graffiti workshop and invited me to participate. It used to be every Sundays and thanks to that, a new generation of graffiti in Brazil was born. We used to be a very dedicated group, we used to sit around this snooker table and draw, draw and draw… And as I used to be a wild girl, it didn’t surprise me that I liked the Wildstyle letters the most! This photo is dedicated to that time of my life. *~,~*

Gracas ao graffiti, hoje eu sou uma artista. Eu tive minhas primeiras aulas de graffiti com um dos meus melhores amigos, Binho. Ele eh um dos pioneiros do graffiti brasileiro, junto com Tinho, Os Gemeos, Vitche, Herbert, Speto por quem eu tenho uma grande admiracao. Gracas a eles, hoje temos muitos grandes artistas no Brasil.
Depois de alguns anos, haviam muitos jovens interessados na arte do graffiti, entao, Binho deu inicio a um workshop de graffiti e me convidou a participar. Eram todos os domingos e, gracas a este workshop, uma nova geracao de grafiteiros nasceu. Nos eramos um grupo muito dedicado, nos sentavamos ao redor de uma mesa de sinuca e desenhavamos, desenhavamos e desenhavamos…. E como eu era uma menina Wild, nao me surpreendeu que as letras Wildstyle eram as minhas favoritas. Esta foto eh dedicada aquela epoca da minha vida. *~,~*

Work by Waleska Nomura


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Hyde and Seek

This is a wall I painted in London in 2003/04 , those were the good old days…. I had no responsability, nothing to worry about, my only worries were: ” I need some more paint for the next wall.” Now, things have changed, I have a beautiful boy that needs me, and I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH. Before, I used to paint my little girls playing hyde and seek with an imaginary friend, now I have a real friend to play with me. And we are going to the park this afternoon to play hyde and seek. Now I’m enjoying the good new days. *~,~*

Work by Waleska Nomura

Hyde and Seek

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Back to work!

So it’s the end of our holidays, my son is back to school! Which means, back to work! But as I LOVE my work, It’s all good! I feel sooo lucky to have the opportunity to work doing something that I really LOVE doing and it’s something that I used to do before as a hobby. And to turn that into my job, it’s really lucky! 😉
Here are some close-up pictures of my new work.
Experimenting is the word for me in 2011!!! *~,~*

Work by Waleska Nomura


Work by Waleska Nomura.

Flowers 2

Work by Waleska Nomura.

Flowers 3

Work by Waleska Nomura.

Flowers 4

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Happy New Year!!!

It’s the end of another year… it’s time to reflect in everything that happened in the past and most importantly, think forward to the coming year. It’s time to think in what you need to change and things you want to achieve. It’s that time of the year that everybody is positive and make an effort to be a better person. It’s the time that everybody should have a new hope.
I wish you all a Very Happy New Year, filled with peace, love, prosperity and happiness!!! *~,~*

Painting by Waleska Nomura

A New Hope

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Spreading the Love and Expanding the mind

This is a video of an exhibition I had in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2006. “Spreading the Love and Expanding the mind ”
In that time, I used to wear the shoes I showed on my last post. It’s interesting for me to see that ,the style I used to wear my clothes was the style I used on my paintings. And now, looking at it, made me understand better the changes in my life and the style and phases of my paintings. In that time, I had just got back from Japan, so I had all those cute colourful things in my head. It’s fascinating how everything in life influences an artist.

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